Discovering Damon

Discovering Damon Cora Rose...


Discovering Damon ((Behind the Camera Book 3))

I know most would probably describe me as a little uptight, unwilling to change, set in my ways…
But the truth is, I just like my life the way it is—simple and predictable. I have everything I need—good friends, family close by, and my automotive business that I’ve built from the ground up.
I’m proud of the life I’ve made in this quiet small town. Nothing needs to change.
At least, that’s what I believed up until the day Damon Deveraux, a lively and bold little whirlwind of a man in lip gloss and short shorts, saunters into my life and changes everything.
He captivates me with his bubbly charm and adorable clumsiness, and suddenly we’re fast friends, spending all our time together.
But I don’t know what’s happening to me. I’m just so confused.
Because I’ve never fixated on another man’s pouty lips before.
I’ve never obsessed over the curve of another man’s body.
I’ve never desired the feel of another man curled up against me.
And when I discover Damon’s camboy site and—accidentally on purpose—subscribe to his live show, all bets are off.
Because for the first time, I’m realizing that maybe the sweet, sassy boy next door is everything I never knew I needed.

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Discovering Damon


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Fofo, perfeito e romântico
2 weeks, 6 days ago

Eu amei muito de verdade, principalmente porque o mecânico não tinha nenhum preconceito e a família dele também não, aceitando tudo direitinho. Não teve drama pra ele aceitar sua atração, claro teve uma tensão, mas foi logo resolvido. Damon é uma flor e eu amei tudo sobre isso. E nem acredito que vai ter um casamento. Queria um outro livro do agricultor do Kansas e o bad boy deslocado. E o gatinho claro!... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/02/2024 14:40:46
editou em:
09/02/2024 14:41:35

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