
Don't Go Baking My Heart N.G. Peltier


Don't Go Baking My Heart (Island Bites #2)

Devon King has a plan. An actual with bullet points and everything plan for his life. When he's called out at work for never participating in any of the office activities he feels compelled to take part in the upcoming office bake off competition to prove he's a team player, as making partner at his architectural design firm is top on his list of career goals. Only problem, he doesn't know anything about baking. Failure is not an option so when his first choice for help is unavailable, desperate times lead him to ask Reba Johnson, assistant pastry chef to his brother's girlfriend.

Reba's been having fun texting the super serious Devon ridiculous cat pictures, for an entire month, but she's surprised when he asks for her help with a potential baking crisis, since their conversations have been one sided until now. When her friends make a bet that even she can't get the stoic Devon to fall for her charms, Reba sets out to prove them wrong and get Devon to have some fun.

As the competition draws closer, their sessions get hotter with a one night stand turning into two nights then three...Reba doesn't fit into Devon's carefully crafted life and as he tries to focus on winning the company contest, he discovers that sweet treats aren't the only thing baking in the kitchen, and all his perfect plans are crumbling.

Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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chaotic gf x rule follower bf!!!!
on 30/7/22

acho que o que mais gostei nesse livro foram os protagonistas. cansei de mocinha sonsa e herói pegador e nesse aqui ela é toda desinibida, comunicativa, unapologetic herself, encantadora e adora flertar e o mocinho é, basicamente, o contrário. bem reservado, gosta de rotina, regras, não gosta de surpresas, não se arrisca e o centro da sua vida é o trabalho. adorei a dinâmica dos dois e como um não tenta mudar o outro, mesmo sendo oposto. eles apreciam as diferenças e respeitam a person... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
21/07/2022 16:11:50
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editou em:
21/07/2022 16:12:19

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