Embedded Visual Basic

Embedded Visual Basic Christopher Tacke...


Embedded Visual Basic

Annotation One of the only technical-level resources available on the eMbedded VB toolkit from Microsoft. Will fill a distinct need; Microsoft documentation is poor, and currently there are no eMbedded Visual Basic (eVB) books available. Will document the widely misunderstood differences between eVB and regular Visual Basic. Covers critical recent developments, such as SQL Server for CE, that enable mobile applications with data access-essential for robust applications. eMbedded Visual Basic: Windows CE and Pocket PC Mobile Applications is an in-depth exploration into eVBs inherent features, and how to use them to solve likely mobile application programming tasks. The reader will be able to write applications tackling a wide array of business problems for Windows CE-powered devices, both customized and for the popular Pocket PC and Handheld PC products. The documentation for eVB is not very strong; this book will help ease the transition into the language, and provide a reference for even more experienced developers. Christopher Tacke is an Associate at Rubicon Technologies, Inc., a firm specializing in mobile application development using CE, Palm, Blackberry. His career started with VB for the Windows PC platforms and rapidly grew to include the eMbedded version of Visual Basic as well as C, C++, ATL/COM, and SQL. He has designed, written, and deployed several mobile applications. Chris is also President and co-founder of Innovative Decision Support Systems, Inc., a firm specializing in data collection and analysis solutions. Tim Bassett is a Microsoft Certified Professional with more than eight years experience as a lead programmer. He has been a lead architect on many emerging technologies projects utilizing his strong object-oriented development skills. In Tims current role, Mobile Application Group Manager, he has been responsible for a large percentage of Rubicons research and development, as well as the training of Rubicons associates.

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João gregorio
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24/08/2022 06:23:30

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