Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller

Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller Meredith Ireland


Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller

Today Tonight Tomorrow meets A Pho Love Story in this whip-smart young adult novel about a girl who embarks on a road trip with her longtime rival to win back her best friend and his girlfriend.

There’s no one Kelsie Miller hates more than Eric Mulvaney Ortiz—the homecoming king, captain of the football team, and academic archrival in her hyper-competitive prep school. But after Kelsie’s best friend, Briana, moves across the country and stops speaking to her, she’ll do anything, even talk to Eric, to find out why.

After they run into each other—literally—at the last high school party of the summer, Eric admits he’s been ghosted by his girlfriend, Jessica. Kelsie tells him she’s had zero contact from Briana since she left their upstate New York town.

Suddenly, a plan is formed: they’ll go on a road trip to the University of Pennsylvania the following week when both Briana and Jessica will be on campus. Together, they’ll do whatever it takes to win back their exes.

What could go wrong?

Used to succeeding in everything, Kelsie and Eric assume they’ll naturally figure out the details on the drive down. What they don’t expect is that the person they actually need may be the one sitting next to them.

Ficção / Jovem adulto / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Everyone Hates Kelsie Miller


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foi bonitinho
on 22/1/23

não vou mentir amigos, eu tinha expectativas e elas não foram alcançadas. o livro é bom, tem tudo que eu gosto e os personagens são ok, mas não consegui me conectar 100% com a leitura. acho que a escrita me incomodou um pouco. embora eu tenha dado sinceras risadas e uns sorrisinhos aqui e ali, num geral a escrita não me agradou. as vezes parecia que a autora só colocava as coisas sem ter pensado nelas antes, e muitas vezes ela explicava algo óbvio e isso me deixa com a sensação de ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
09/07/2022 22:24:53
editou em:
09/07/2022 22:25:15

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