Evolution: the history of an idea

Evolution: the history of an idea Peter Bowler


Evolution: the history of an idea

This book exams the history and development of theories of evolution from pre-enlightenment to the present day. Natural selection, orthogenesis and Lamarckism all play prominent roles, which have waxed and waned in popularity throughout this time.

The progress of theories of evolution is seen in the context of developments in other areas of biology, and also other sciences such as palaeontology, geology and physics as well as broader cultural changes. Bowler suggest that even after the publishing of the Origin of Species, Darwinism did not become mainstream until after developments in heredity and genetics in the first part of the twentieth century, and is still generating controversy today.

Bowler describes the ongoing interplay between theories of evolution and philosophy, religion, politics, and how these factors influence the acceptance and promotion or otherwise of the various theories of evolution, and also how theories of evolution have been [mis-]used to support often contrary ideological positions.

The book is erudite, and dense. It presents complex and subtle ideas clearly, but is not light reading, requiring, at least from me, concentration and effort. However, it does pay off: I came to this book with a background in biology rather than history and think this book helped me to a deeper understanding of both.

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Evolution: the history of an idea


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on 31/3/11

O livro faz um relato histórico das ideias evolutivas, apontando teorias e naturalistas que se ocuparam com o tema ao longo dos séculos até os dias atuais. Aborda as várias formas do pensar sobre relações evolutivas entre os seres vivos, surgimento de novas espécies e outros temas afins. Indica o impacto de cada teoria na sociedade e na ciência de sua época, bem como as contribuições que essas teorias deixaram. Mais uma vez, fica claro que a ciência não é neutra, sendo influenciada por... leia mais


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31/03/2011 23:51:37

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