Falling Into Us

Falling Into Us Selene Chardou


Falling Into Us

One More Night # 2

“Kaz asked me a simple question and offered a way out. He said I could stay here and visit him on tour when ever I wanted but I am tired of feeling vacuous and useless so I said yes. I could use my photography skills and I’d been to plenty of concerts but never have I gone on tour with a band. The concerts are amazing but Scarlet Fever and Winter’s Regret are a formidable combination and just as in life as in art, nothing is ever what it appears to be. Even the most perfect paintings have slight imperfections and I have to discover them one by one…about Kaz, my lover and the man I have come to adore…”

Part two of Syd and Kaz’s exploration takes place in dual points of view and covers the North American leg of the Gods of Rock World Tour with Scarlet Fever and Winter’s Regret.

Kaz thought he knew what he was doing when he decided to enter into a relationship with Sydney but his underestimation of her might cost him everything including the self-control he has held on to so tight for many years.

Can he mold her into the woman he needs her to be or will she break him in the end?

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Falling Into Us


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on 18/7/13

Este é o segundo livro da Triologia. E cara, valeu a pena! Eu amei o primeiro com todo o drama e respostas para todas as dificuldades que Sydney e Kaz foram passando. O último livro terminou com Sydney concordando em sair em turnê com Kaz. Então, naturalmente, o segundo livro começa com o início da turnê. Sydney encontra-se em um mundo que não sabe as diferentes surpresas em cada esquina. Ela lida com os relacionamentos anteriores de Kaz e seus demônios ocultos, bem como os seus própri... leia mais


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06/06/2013 21:38:16

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