Fatima Tate Takes the Cake

Fatima Tate Takes the Cake Khadijah VanBrakle


Fatima Tate Takes the Cake

Fatima Tate wants to be a baker AND enjoy some innocent flirting with her hot friend Raheembut her strict Muslim parents would never approve of either... Seventeen-year-old Fatima Tate, aspiring baker (100% against her conservative parents' wishes), leads a pretty normal life in Albuquerque: long drives with BFF Zaynab, weekly services at the mosque, big family parties, soup kitchen volunteering (the best way to perfect her flaky dough recipe!), stressing about college. But everything changes when she meets a charming university student named Raheem. Knowing the 'rents would FREAK, Fatima keeps their burgeoning relationship a secret... and then, one day, her parents and his parents decide to arrange their marriage. Amazing! True serendipity! Except it's not amazing. As soon as the ring is on Fatima's finger, Raheem's charm transforms into control and manipulation. Fatima knows she has to call the whole thing off, but Raheem doesn't like to lose. He threatens to reveal their premarital sexual history and destroy her and her family's reputation in their tight-knit Muslim community. Fatima must find the inner strength to blaze her own trail by owning her body, her choices, and her future. Combining the frank authenticity of Elizabeth Acevedo and the complex social dynamics of Ibi Zoboi, FATIMA TATE TAKES THE CAKE is a powerful coming-of-age story that gives a much-needed voice to young Black Muslim women. "Fierce. . . Skillful. . . Searing."Publishers Weekly "Much food for thought."Kirkus Reviews A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection

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Protagonista forte e determinada a seguri seus sonhos ?
on 3/5/24

Sinceramente, nunca confie em homem algum que diga que diga que oq você fará depois de casarem é de total responsabilidade dele. e nem quando a sua futura sogra quer controlar exatamente todos os passos da sua vida. isso nunca vai acabar bem pra quem tá no lado mais fraco da corda fatima tate é apaixonada pela confeitaria e quer cursar culinária na faculdade, mas pra isso ela precisa convencer sua mãe que enfermagem não é pra ela mesmo que ela diga que isso é ma carreira estável? isso... leia mais


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