Finding Callan

Finding Callan Quell T Fox


Finding Callan

FridayI don't know what I expected to happen when I took off with four random guys that I met at a motel but finding out that they aren't human was not on my list of possibilities. Everything was going so well, too. They're hot and hot. And did I say hot? There's one who is super funny, and other that is so smart and nerdy - it's adorable. The other two, well they're kind of jerks but for some reason I like it. I'm a mess, I know.So, here I am sitting at a park in a town that I don't know with nothing but the clothes on my back. What do I do? Do I go back and risk my life? After what I saw I can't be sure that I'd come out alive.I've known these guys for a week, so naturally when I walked in on - gah! I can't even talk about it - I ran. What else could I do? But now... I'm not so sure that I should have. Something is telling me that I need to go back to them, and I have no idea why. Clearly, I've lost my mind, right?The guysThey finally find her and she's gone just as quickly as she came. How do they fix this? How can they save themselves? They need her in order to do that, but how can they get her back after what she saw?Maddox, Lenny, Callan and Alec have a lot to work out among themselves, but now there is another issue to take care of. Getting Friday back. The good thing? They had nothing before, so now they have nothing to lose. They'll do anything to get her back. Anything.DISCLOSURE: This is a paranormal reverse harem story.There is adult content.There is m/m action.If any of this offends you, please do not buy this book.This book ends on a cliffhanger.This is book 2 in The Road to Truth Series.They must be read in order

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João gregorio
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02/08/2020 10:36:57

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