Finding Gene Kelly

Finding Gene Kelly Torie Jean


Finding Gene Kelly

When five-year-old Evie O’Shea married her next-door neighbor in the wedding of the century, she had no idea she was swearing an oath to love the man who would grow into the bane of her existence until the end of time. Or that in ten years time, she’d start a long and winding journey to an eventual endometriosis diagnosis.

Now, aged twenty-six, Evie O’Shea lives in Paris, balancing precariously close to her Charlotte Lucas birthday. A burden to her parents, with no prospects and no money, Evie’s humdrum life needs a shake-up.

Enter Liam Kelly, the man Evie married at the age of five and promptly divorced at seven when he had the audacity to throw a muddy football at her while she was reading Eloise in Paris. Clad in a Henley and equipped with toned forearms and eye crinkles that rival Gene Kelly himself, Evie is determined to keep her ultimate temptation at a distance while she flails wildly navigating life, love, and endometriosis on the banks of the Seine.

But when a family announcement shakes up Evie's world weeks before her brother’s wedding, Evie seeks Liam’s help to get through the wedding with some semblance of sanity intact.

Her request? Fake date.

Making a deal with the Devil always comes with a cost, though, and when Liam’s conditions which include elaborate backstories and practice dates, reignite passions her disease smothered long ago, Evie has to learn to fight for her dreams and break free from her life measured in ibuprofen pills and heating pad settings. Or else risk being alive but never truly living.

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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Finding Gene Kelly


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on 12/8/23

Aquele clichê maravilhoso de personagens que se conhecem desde a infância e nutrem um amor por anos camuflado com implicâncias e indiferença. Liam e Evie contam uma história de amor forte e capaz de vencer obstáculos. Como mulher, me peguei extremamente emocionada com os dilemas da Evie. Mas seu processo de entendimento sobre si mesma é real e especial. Liam é uma peça fundamental nisso. Ah, Liam... que homem apaixonado e obstinado! O quanto ele ama Evie e é perfeito para ela, a entend... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
02/06/2023 07:34:52
editou em:
02/06/2023 07:35:30

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