Fires Of Ballian

Fires Of Ballian M.L. Rhodes


Fires Of Ballian

(The Draegan Lords #3)

A hundred years ago, the high sorcerer of Velensperia launched a swift and deadly attack against the draegansa race of dragon shapeshifters whod always lived in harmony with the humans. The draegans were all but destroyed, with the few who remained, scattered and in hiding. But after a century of cruel repression, a group of them have united and begun to fight back. Their leader, Keiran Hareldson, is determined to free his people from the high sorcerers tyranny. For years he hid the secret of his heritage, knowing the truth would make him and those around him a target of the sorcerers wrath. But the time has come to fight the sorcerer in the open, and once the news spreads that Keiran is the sole surviving draegan lord, draegans and humans alike begin to flock to the draegan camp for protection.

Gaige Rizik used to be the captain of the sorcerers High Guard. His last assignment was to infiltrate the draegan rebels camp, identify the leader, and eliminate him. No one, least of all him, expected him to fall in love with the very man hed sworn to kill. Gaige defects to the draegans side, and he and Keiran bind themselves to one another not only by love, but by blood when they go through the true mate ritual. With their blood merged, it allows Gaige to inherit the powerful magick of the draegan lords. But inheriting it and using it are two different things. Gaige has trouble tapping into the magick because he feels unworthy of the gift. Only half-draegan, he fears his human side and his past as the high sorcerers right hand will forever tarnish his future as Keirans mate and second in command.

When Keiran is stolen by an ancient demon from the shadow world, Gaige is left with the fate of the draegan people in his hands. They turn to him as their new lord, and hes torn between his duty to them, and his desperate need to find his mate. Through shadow and torment, fire and darkness, Gaige and Keiran struggle to hold back the tide of the sorcerers ever-expanding war and stop the new and even deadlier evil that threatens their lands. In their darkest hour, only their fierce love for one another, and Gaiges acceptance of his power, stand between them and the destruction of all they know.

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Fires Of Ballian



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23/09/2014 11:34:03

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