For You & No One Else

For You & No One Else Roni Loren


For You & No One Else (Say Everything #3)

Eliza Catalano has the perfect life. So what if it actually looks nothing like the story she tells online? As a therapist, it's part of her job to look like she has all the answers, right? But when Eliza ends up as a viral "Worst Date Ever" meme, everything in her Instagram-filtered world begins to crumble.

Enter the most obnoxiously attractive man she's ever met, and a bet she can't resist: if she swears off social media for six months, Beck Carter'll teach her the wonders of surviving the "real world." No technology, no dating apps, no pretty filters, no BS.

It seems like the perfect deal - she can lay low until her sudden infamy passes, meet some interesting new people, and maybe even curate this experience into a how I quit the online dating racket book along the way. But something about Beck's raw honesty speaks to Eliza in ways she never expected. She knows he's supposed to be completely hands-off... but as complex feelings grow and walls come tumbling down, rough-around-the-edges Beck may be exactly what Eliza needs to finally, truly face herself-and decide who she really wants to be.

A woman struggling to find her place in the world. A man with a secret inner life. An unexpected friendship with sizzling benefits. And an emotional turning point that changes everything.

Chick-lit / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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For You & No One Else


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Originalmente postada em

Eliza Catalano é uma terapeuta que, apesar de aparentar ter a vida perfeita, tudo está um pouco longe disso. Após um vídeo seu viralizar na internet, ela sente seus planos e vida profissional desmoronar. É nessa bagunça que ela se aproxima de Beck Carter e ele lhe desafia a ficar seis meses longe de tecnologia e redes sociais. Eliza e Beck começam como dois estranhos que se cruzavam raramente durante o horário de trabalho, depois se tornam amigos, com uma conexão instantânea, até qu... leia mais


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Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
cadastrou em:
25/08/2022 08:18:57
Luiza Helena (@balaiodebabados)
editou em:
25/08/2022 08:20:47

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