Getting Lucky

Getting Lucky Sarah Spade


Getting Lucky (Holiday Hunk #5)


See a penny, pick it up. All day long you’ll have good luck—

As if.

When I find the weird golden coin during a trip into Boston, I pick it up and stick it in my pocket. I don’t think anything of it until the dark-haired, green-eyed stranger knocks on my car door window and tells me it was his. He actually has the nerve to suggest that I stole it from him!

Me? Seriously?

I give it back to him and drive off, heading back to Salem in time to feed my twin torties their nighttime meal. He was handsome, but rude, and I refuse to give him another thought… until my front doorbell rings and, suddenly, there he is.

I think he’s some kind of creepy stalker. The truth, however, is much worse.

He’s a… a leprechaun. Honest. The coin I found? It was his amulet. By finding it and giving it back, I supposedly triggered some weird rule that says that he owes me three wishes. And, with a stubborn set to his hard jaw, determination in his gaze, he refuses to leave until he’s granted all three of them.

Now if only I could wish that he would disappear.

Or that I really meant it when I told him I wanted him to go...

Leprechauns are supposed to have all the luck. But I’m not a full-blooded leprechaun—I’m only half. And the half that I am is one hell of an unlucky schmuck.

Nothing goes my way. Ever. I’ve gotten used to it. I’ve given up hoping that it’ll ever change, or that some of my dad’s magic will rub off on me. In fact, I’ve turned my back on my heritage. I got a job working at an Irish pub in Boston—okay, so maybe I do like to torture myself a bit—and decided to give up the tiny amount of magic I had.

Until the morning I lost my amulet.

I might not be a full-blooded leprechaun, but there are some laws I do have to obey. I have my own pot of gold hidden in my apartment, I wear a red coat—go Sox!—and if I’m captured, or my amulet is stolen, I owe the wily human who messed me three wishes.

Enter Madison Scott. Blonde hair, baby blues, and a stick so far up her butt, it’ll be my pleasure to yank it out. I might have to grant her wishes—but there’s no rule saying how I have to do that.
Only one problem. Remember the whole unlucky schmuck thing? Right from the first wish, something goes wrong. The magic won’t let me leave until the wishes are done, and Madison doesn’t want me to stay. Too bad for her, though. She’s stuck with me.

And after a couple of days with her, there’s nowhere else I want to be.

Getting Lucky is the fifth novella in the Holiday Hunk series. An enemies to lovers romance with a sexy Irishman, an uptight caterer, two cats who think they run the show, plus a whole lot of mischief and magic. A Sarah Spade HEA guaranteed!

Holiday Hunk Series
Halloween Boo
This Christmas
Auld Lang Mine
I'm With Cupid
Getting Lucky

Erótico / Romance

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Getting Lucky


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Halloween Boo
This Christmas
Auld Lang Mine

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on 24/2/21

Romance;100% Comédia; 30% Drama; 20% Hot; 30% Porque entre tantas moedas que eu ja peguei na rua nenhuma tinha um duende anexo? Injusto Vamos ter uma relação bem de ódio a amor, mas o ódio mal durou 5 páginas. Foi um conto curto e divertido, sem tensão ou complexidade. Por algum motivo esse conto mão me agradou como os outros mas vou culpar meu terrível humor( e má sorte).... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
27/07/2020 23:22:56
editou em:
27/07/2020 23:24:25