I'm With Cupid Sarah Spade


I'm With Cupid (Holiday Hunk #4)

The infamous matchmaker meets his match!


I’m a cupid.

See the little ‘c’? It means that being a cupid is just my job, a way to earn a paycheck instead of riding a desk nine to five like every other guy. The benefits are great: I make my own schedule so long as I hit my quota, the company provides the magic arrow and my very own wings, and I get to watch people fall in love all the time. It’s awesome.

Okay, so maybe the gig has made me a little sappy. I can’t help it. It’s one of the dangers of being a cupid. That, and you start hoping that maybe there’s a perfect match for you out there somewhere.

I’ll never know, of course. Because that’s the one thing you give up when you take on the magic—a cupid arrow isn’t made to work on us. We make the matches, but we’re never in any of them.

All that changes on New Year’s Eve. I had just finished up my last match of the year when this woman appears out of nowhere and I accidentally poke myself with one of my own arrows. It disappears, even though it isn’t supposed to, and I’m so surprised that I try to take off.

And that’s when I realize that I lost my wings.


The night I see him running away from my cousin’s backyard, I think he’s a prowler. Or maybe a perv.

I never expect he would turn out to be Cupid!

And, okay, maybe I shouldn’t have followed him. He could’ve been some kind of a whack job—at first, I kind of already peg him as one—but I chase after him because why not? I have my mace in one hand, my car keys in the other, and I figure I can take him.At the very least, I can warn him about sneaking peeks in my cousin’s window.

I find him down the block, staring at his empty hands and awkwardly trying to flap away. He looks so horrified, I don’t have the heart to mace him for being a creep.

That’s when he drops the bomb.

He tells me that he’s Cupid and I actually believe him. I mean, it’s crazy and he’s probably laughing at how gullible I am, but I want to believe. After seeing how fast my cousin found love again, I love the idea that there’s Cupid out there making love matches.

Except this one’s kind of broken. Somehow, while I was chasing after him, he pricked himself with one of his arrows and now he’s lost all of his Cupid mojo.

So now we’re on a journey from Salem to Philly in the hopes that I can help Cole get his wings back. He can’t fly, and I have a car, so why not? He’s made it very clear that Cupid makes people fall in love with his magic arrows, but he’s immune. He literally can’t love anyone else while on the job.

Only one problem. He might not be able to fall in love.


I’m already halfway there.

Erótico / Romance

Edições (1)

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Coração flechado
on 9/2/21

Romance: 100% Comédia: 20% Hot:10% Drama: 15% Açúcar:80% Doce, doce. Estou amando essa serie de Mini histórias em cada data comemorativa. Depois de sair de uma leitura pesada é ideal. O livro é muito fofo, tão fofo e pequeno que acho perda de tempo vc ler minha resenha, quando poderia estar lendo o livro(ele fala por si só).... leia mais


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