Give Me Butterflies

Give Me Butterflies Jillian Meadows


Give Me Butterflies (Oaks Sisters #1)

A Grumpy Sunshine Museum Romance

Millie loves her job as an entomology curator, inspiring museum visitors every day. She even has an interview for the department director position, so she can take on an even bigger role in the museum. She refuses to be distracted by her grumpy coworker with his permanent scowl, bright blue eyes, and nerdy astronomy ties.

. . . Not that she’s spent much time noticing any of those things.

Finn Ashford doesn’t mean to glare at everyone, but he’s juggling his job at the museum, navigating the grief of losing his sister, attempting to make his nieces smile, and not ruin dinner for the fifth night in a row.

When Millie stumbles through the door of her interview, her eyes scan the committee and land on the one man that could derail her promotion, but it just so happens he’s also the one man that could make all her dreams come true.

Give Me Butterflies is a slow burn, single guardian romance. This steamy story features a handsome grump who seems to only smile for his nieces, an anxious curator finding the confidence to believe in herself, and a cast of endearing, meddling side characters. It’s full of swoon-worthy moments, nerdy banter, and enough fiery tension to light the museum ablaze.

Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Give Me Butterflies


Resenhas para Give Me Butterflies (1)

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"strenght isn't always loud...
on 1/2/24

...sometimes it?s a quiet power that isn?t so obvious to the world" que honra ser a primeira pessoa a escrever uma resenha sobre esse livro! me apaixonei pela millie, pelo finn e pelas meninas! a autora conseguiu construir um romance leve ao mesmo tempo em que abordou problemas sérios como relacionamentos abusivos, seja na forma de um relacionamento amoroso ou familiar. a forma com que a autora descreve o amor da millie por entomologia me encantou! que esse livro incentive mulheres a ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
02/09/2023 15:09:33
editou em:
02/09/2023 15:09:49

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