Goddess of the North

Goddess of the North Georgina Kamsika


Goddess of the North

Detective Inspector Sara Nayar is a goddess. Literally. A Hindu goddess accidentally brought to England during Queen Victoria’s reign. Working now as a police detective, Sara survives on humanity’s innate faith in law and order.

Sheffield is a city of many gods, however, and when Sara witnesses a murder, she knows the perpetrator is divine. As a goddess of order, she must solve the crime before the god can kill again, but thousands of years living as a human has left her spiritually weak.

Vulnerable in ways she hasn’t felt since leaving India, Sara fights to balance her mortal and immortal lives as the murders around her escalate. And with tensions amongst her fellow divinity on the rise, Sara is running out of time. If she can’t restore order, find balance in the chaos, the city itself might pay the price.

Set in a vividly realised Northern city, where gods coexist with a balance of faith, Goddess of the North is a page-turning urban fantasy steeped in multicultural mythology. A murder mystery at heart, it’s an exploration of identity, love, faith, and the transformative powers of self-acceptance.

Crime / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Suspense e Mistério

Edições (1)

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Goddess of the North


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Vai uma xícara de chá aí?
on 7/8/21

Quero começar dizendo que sou muito fã de mitologia, então estava com altas expectativas para esse livro. E não me decepcionei. Conforme eu ia lendo, consegui imaginar claramente uma série da BBC sobre esse livro (alô, @BBC, não perca essa oportunidade!). Para quem curte livros policiais e fantasia urbana, Goddess of the North é um prato cheio. A escrita é muito boa e imersível, tem aquele humor típico de inglês, os personagens foram bem criados, tanto os mortais, quanto os deuses.... leia mais


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Ana Paula
cadastrou em:
10/06/2021 17:27:48
Ana Paula
editou em:
10/06/2021 17:28:27

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