Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic Lilly Workneh...


Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic

The latest installment in the New York Times bestselling Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls series, featuring 100 barrier-breaking Black women and girls who showcase the spirit of Black Girl Magic.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic, edited by award-winning journalist Lilly Workneh with a foreword by #BlackGirlMagic originator CaShawn Thompson, is dedicated to amplifying and celebrating the stories of Black women and girls from around the world; features the work of over 60 Black female and non-binary authors, illustrators, and editors; is designed to acknowledge, applaud, and amplify the incredible stories of Black women and girls from the past and present; and celebrates Black Girl Magic around the world.

Amongst the women featured from over 30 countries are tennis player Naomi Osaka, astronaut Jeanette Epps, author Toni Morrison, filmmaker Ava DuVernay; aviator Bessie Coleman, Empress Taytu Betul, journalist Ida B. Wells, and many other inspiring leaders, champions, innovators, and creators. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic is the fourth volume of the New York Times bestselling Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls series which originally launched in 2016.

Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic is published by Rebel Girls, a global, multi-platform empowerment brand dedicated to helping raise the most inspired and confident global generation of girls through content, experiences, products, and community.

About Black Girl Magic
CaShawn Thompson, a proud third-generation native of Washington, DC, came up with the concept “Black Girls Are Magic” when she was a little girl growing up with her mother, grandmother, and aunts. It sprang forth fully formed from the mind of a poor little Black girl who didn’t yet have the words to describe the brilliance she saw in the women in her family, but had heard countless tales of fairies, witches, and magicians. It was just magic to her. And it still is.

Black Girls Are Magic became wildly popular in 2013 after CaShawn began using the phrase online (it was later shortened to the hashtag #BlackGirlMagic) to uplift and praise the accomplishments, beauty, and other amazing qualities of Black women.

Biografia, Autobiografia, Memórias / Infantil

Edições (1)

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Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 Real-Life Tales of Black Girl Magic


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on 14/8/21

Eu sou uma grande fã de todos os livros de Rebel Girls. É inspirador ler sobre a história de tantas mulheres incríveis que tornaram o nosso mundo um lugar melhor. “Life Tales of Black Girl Magic” é ainda mais especial, porque essas mulheres tiveram que enfrentar não só o sexismo, mas também o racismo. E ainda assim, elas conseguiram mostrar seu poder e suas habilidades. Eu gostaria de poder comprar este livro para todas as jovens negras, para que possam sempre ter um lembrete de sua fo... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
14/08/2021 02:11:07
editou em:
14/08/2021 02:11:21

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