Goodbye to All That

Goodbye to All That Robert Graves


Goodbye to All That

An Autobiography by Robert Graves

[Goodbye to All That -- A Revised Second Edition / Mass Market Paperback;
ASIN: B0006AV5Q2] Good-bye To All That is one of the finest records of trench warfare of the 1914-1918 war. Written at white-heat from May to when it was first published on 18 November 1929, this anti-war autobiography also stands as Graves’s wave goodbye to the people and places he knew in England. In Deyá, and influenced by Laura Riding, his new Muse, he used it as ‘an opportunity for a formal good-bye to you and to you and to you and to me and to all that; forgetfulness, because once all this has been settled in my mind and written down it need never be thought about again; money.’

In 1957, Graves re-visited the work, deleting and adding sections to it. The fact that it is continually reprinted attests to its classic status. |...| Thus begins Robert Graves' classic 1929 autobiography with its searing account of life in the trenches of the First World War; and yet this opening passage, together with much significant material, has been unavailable since 1957, when a middle-aged Graves totally revised his text,robbing it of the painfully raw edge that had helped to make it an international bestseller. By 1957 major changes in his private life had taken place. Graves was no longer living with Laura Riding, under whose influence and in whose honor the original had been written. By cutting outall references to Riding, by deleting passages which revealed the mental strains under which hehad labored, and by meticulously editing the entire text, Graves destroyed most of what he hadmade so powerful but also removed from it the only context in which it could be fully understood. We are pleased to offer the original 1929 edition on the occasion of Graves 100th anniversary, edited and annotated by Robert Graves's nephew and biographer, whose lucid introduction greatly enhances its value. Richard Perceval Graves lives in Shrewsbury, Britain, and has published Robert Graves: TheAssault Heroic 1895-1926 (1986). His most recent publication is Richard Hughes (1994) another book on his uncle, Robert Graves and the White Goddess, is scheduled for 1995.

Edições (3)

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Goodbye to All That
Goodbye to all that
Goodbye to All That


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Goodbye to All That
on 21/3/15

Comprei esse volume na incrível Dussmann, em Berlin, no início do ano passado. Lembro-me de ter lido uma tradução de "Goodbye to All That" nos anos 1980, mas não encontrei o volume nos meus guardados. De qualquer forma comecei a ler essa bela edição da Collector's Library ainda na viagem de volta e havia já avançado um bom terço quando por alguma razão acabei perdendo-me dele num ponto qualquer das loucuras do miserável 2014 enfrentado por esse perturbado país. Na viagem de inverno de... leia mais


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