He Saved Me

He Saved Me Whitney Barbetti


He Saved Me

I’ve come to understand that I’ll always find her. She’s my north star, my sense of direction. In her, I’ve found my home. She tells me I saved her. But the truth is, she saved me.

But nothing good can ever last. Andra’s keeping secrets. She’s holding something back. I’m trying, desperately, to anchor her. To let me in, to let me help.

But will all my efforts end up with a ghost of a girl I love?

I'm used to disappearing. Vanishing into thin air, without a trace of who I've been or where I've gone.

But it’s so much harder to do with a broken heart and no hope for a happy ending. Sometimes the only people who can put all the pieces of us back together are the ones we least expect to. That's what Julian did for me.

Julian found me. But now, all Six wants is to keep me locked up, away from the world, away from the Monster. I can't live like that. It's not living at all. Because I still have unfinished business.

And I'm going to make sure the Monster gets what’s coming to him.

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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He Saved Me


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He Found Me

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on 13/2/22

No segundo e último livro da série He Found Me/He Saved Me temos o desfecho da história de Cora/Andra. Ela finalmente consegue dar um fim ao ciclo de medo e abuso do seu tio ao confrontá-lo no final do livro. O livro não termina num cliffhanger, mas já que não existe uma sequência, na minha opinião a autora falhou ao não estender o epílogo um pouco mais e responder alguns questionamentos que ficam com o leitor. Senti falta de um desfecho nas histórias das personagens secundárias, Juli... leia mais


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Márcia Gerly
cadastrou em:
10/02/2022 10:06:31
Márcia Gerly
editou em:
10/02/2022 10:06:51

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