Heart Trick

Heart Trick Kristen Granata


Heart Trick

A Fake Dating Hockey Novella

Heart Trick is a fake dating hockey romance novella from bestselling author Kristen Granata.

My new neighbor is a jerk. Sure, he’s the embodiment of tall, dark, and handsome, and he looks like he could crush a watermelon between his muscular thighs. But he has managed to become enemy number one within the first forty-eight hours of moving into the apartment next door.

I may have retaliated and escalated the situation. I’m not above being petty, and I’m determined to make him break first.

Until he sees my cheating ex-boyfriend giving me a hard time outside our building and steps in to help. If it weren’t for the pictures in the press the next morning, I would’ve assumed his act of kindness was just a fever dream. But my face is everywhere—labeled as hockey star Trenton Ward’s new girlfriend.

Now, my grumpy neighbor’s agent wants to run with this story. Apparently, his image needs some sprucing. (I can’t imagine why with such a charming personality.) I agree under one circumstance: I get to use him for inspiration in the new romance book I’m working on.

I swear I meant it in the figurative sense when I signed the contract.

But after a few fake dates and a toe-curling kiss, Trenton turns into my experimental guinea pig for all my spicy scenes. I may be fake dating one of the NHL’s best goalies, but out of all the things we do, faking it is not one of them.

Only, falling in love wasn’t in the fine print.

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Heart Trick
Heart Trick


Resenhas para Heart Trick (5)

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on 12/8/23

Eu comecei a ler esse livros pq eu vi alguns trechos no TikTok e assim, prometeu mais do que entregou? sim. Mas também n prometia muita coisa pra começo de conversa. O livro é legal, uma leitura super rápida mas todas as tropes que se propôs a fazer (fake dating e enemies to lovers) foram muito mal desenvolvidas. É basicamente um strangers to lovers com fake dating sendo gancho pra eles se aproximarem, só isso. A parte hot é boa mas nada demais. O hockey em si é vem vago e da pra ver q... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.3 / 16
ranking 6
ranking 50
ranking 38
ranking 6
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
01/08/2023 17:58:20
editou em:
01/08/2023 17:58:40

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