Hearts Lost

Hearts Lost Meredith Hart


Hearts Lost (Hearts Below #2)

A sexy, action-packed, enemies-to-lovers adventure for fans of ACOTR, Uprooted, and A Deal with the Elf King.

I was sent to stop the monsters. I'm trapped with one of them instead.
In exchange for my sister’s freedom, I have to enter the Lands Below, stop their attempts to bring down the barrier that keeps them all trapped underground, and kill Princess Elanerill. There’s no way this ends well, but I don’t have a choice. Not if I want my sister to make it out of King Grathgore’s court alive.

But my borrowed magic backfires, knocking me out of the Lands Below and into a forest filled with strange shadow animals where the ground itself shifts beneath my feet.

And I’m not alone. Aloserin, the dangerous Royal Guard from the Lands Below who’s trapped with me, calls this place the void. He claims those who enter the void’s twisting forests and shifting paths rarely return. Still, I have an advantage those previous travelers did not: I can communicate with the shadow animals that so terrify Aloserin. Perhaps the two of us can survive long enough to find our way out.

As long as Aloserin doesn’t discover that I’m the reason we’re both trapped here.

It’s fine. I’m fine. We’re all fine.
It’s fine that the king I've served for my entire life wanted me to escort a monster prince back to the kingdom that defeated us years ago and then locked us in the Lands Below to die, and it’s just fine that he didn’t know if doing so was going to kill me. I’m not one to complain. My family motto is Death Before Dishonor, after all.

And it’s fine that their king sent a woman back with me who is almost certainly supposed to kill someone in my kingdom. It’s also fine that she’s gorgeous, and she makes me smile in a way that no one else has in years. I’ll just avoid her at all costs.

Until a magical attempt to destroy the barrier between our two worlds backfires and I wake up in the most terrifying place I can imagine: the void. With the woman from the Kingdom of the Summer.

There’s no way we’re going to survive this. And, even worse, there’s no way I can avoid Ithronel down here.

Set in the Hearts Below world, Hearts Lost is a complete stand-alone fantasy romance adventure that's impossible to put down!

Fantasia / Romance

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Hearts Lost


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cadastrou em:
27/02/2023 12:23:52
editou em:
27/02/2023 12:24:07

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