Heated Rush

Heated Rush Leslie Kelly


Heated Rush

Wrong Bed: Again and Again 02

Day care center owner Annie Davis has a problem. Her overprotective family expects her to show up at an anniversary party with her new boyfriend on her arm. But that new boyfriend turned out to be a married snake.
She needs a man: fast! And at a charity bachelor auction, she finds the perfect one — a blue-collar, All American rescue worker.
Or so she thinks...

You know you're hard up when you have to buy a date...
But Annie Davis's big family reunion is looming, and she needs a stand-in man fast or she'll never hear the end of it. Any gorgeous guy will do. Her solution? The drop-dead-sexy man at the charity bachelor auction. His good looks and blue-collar background make him perfect for her! Or is he?
Sean Murphy has a bit of a surprise for Annie. Not only is he not blue-collar, he's actually a sophisticated European entrepreneur, one who's made pleasuring women an art form. And he wants to permanently pleasure Annie! But Sean knows that if she discovers his secret, their wickedly delicious liaison will be over. Lucky for both of them, he's learned enough tricks to keep Annie distracted for a long, long time....

Edições (1)

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Heated Rush


Resenhas para Heated Rush (1)

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Continuação de LENTO
on 25/11/13

Esse livro é continuação de "Lento" (Flor da Pele 2). Lá, Sean e Jack tiveram suas biografias trocadas na descrição dos solteiros que iriam a leilão. "Heated Rush" é simultâneo, começa no mesmo leilão, pouco depois que Jack fora arrematado por aquela quantia absurdamente grande de dinheiro. Confesso que comecei a ler o livro com um pezinho atrás. Quer dizer, em "Lento" já sabíamos que Sean era um famoso prostituto. Daí pensei: "como é que uma história assim pode dar certo?". A autor... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
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26/09/2013 12:26:14