Here Comes Trouble (Texas Trouble #8)

Here Comes Trouble (Texas Trouble #8) Becky McGraw


Here Comes Trouble (Texas Trouble #8)

Trauma Nurse Terri Cassidy's life went to hell after her best friend and boss moved to Amarillo. Her new boss, a male doctor, has wandering hands and he thinks Terri has to put up with it. She files a complaint against him, but unbelievably the hospital board suspends her, instead of him. Needing a break and somewhere to lick her wounds, Terri heads to see her very pregnant friend to figure out what she is going to do with her life.

When she gets to Amarillo, she finds more than she is looking for. Joel Rhodes, a sexy attorney turned dude rancher, who just happens to be her best friend's brother-in-law and a man she'd had sex with a year before, offers her a job as a medic on his dude ranch.

The previous year while helping her friend move, Terri had gotten to know Joel and identified with his depression over his wife cheating with his law partner. Terri was five years past her own divorce from a serial cheater and knew exactly what he was feeling, lost, unsure and insecure.

Even after he'd all but told her she would just be the first flavor of many he planned to sample, and even though casual sex wasn't her thing, Terri had sex with him. Because she wanted him, and he needed her to restore his confidence.

Now that she was going to work for him though things could get sticky, because even though Terri had had a one-night-stand with him, she was a relationship kind of woman and he was definitely still not that man.

Resisting the sexy rancher was going to be tough. The man was like a hot fudge sundae to her, decadent, delicious, irresistible, but oh so bad for her. Terri had to try though, because she needed the job, and she deserved a man who wanted more than one night.

Joel Rhodes was determined to break his one-woman mentality. Five years of faithfulness had only gotten him cheated on and broke. Like ice cream, he only planned to sample each of the thirty-one flavors once, before moving on to the next. There was no way in hell he was going the relationship route again...ever.

Broken down and broken-hearted, Joel leaves his Dallas law firm and his ex-wife to his former business partner, who she had cheated with. A ranch goes up for sale in his hometown, so he buys it and converts it to a dude ranch. During the summer when he was a teenager, his grandfather had taught him what ranching meant, and to Joel it meant peace and calm. He needed that now, and he was sure other burned out professionals would need it too.

He'd almost found his new Zen, when flavor number one, Terri Cassidy, shows up on his doorstep to see his sister-in-law, upset and unemployed. Overhearing their conversation, he figures out the woman who'd helped him get back on the horse when he was depressed and lost a year prior, had gotten a raw deal at the hospital where she worked.

Joel has plenty of reservations, but he offers Terri a job at this ranch to provide medical services to his guests. Quickly he realizes his error in judgment, because being that close to the beautiful and sassy woman on a daily basis has Joel rethinking his flavor system, and wanting a lot more than her delicious body.

Before he can convince Terri that she's his forever favorite flavor though, his ex-wife reappears, people start dropping like flies and Joel has more trouble than he can shake a stick at.

Even though Joel believes trouble rode into the R&R Ranch with the petite brunette, he finds out that maybe his salvation came with her too.

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Here Comes Trouble (Texas Trouble #8)



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18/12/2013 10:34:17

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