Here for the Drama

Here for the Drama Kate Bromley


Here for the Drama

Becoming a famous playwright is all Winnie ever dreamed about. For now, though, she'll have to settle for assisting the celebrated, sharp-witted feminist playwright Juliette Brassard. When an experimental theater company in London, England, decides to stage Juliette's most renowned play, The Lights of Trafalgar, Winnie and Juliette pack their bags and hop across the pond.

But the trip goes sideways faster than you can say "tea and crumpets." Juliette stubbornly butts heads with the play's director and Winnie is left stage-managing their relationship. Meanwhile, Winnie's own work seems to have stalled, and though Juliette keeps promising to read it, she always has some vague reason why she can't. Then, Juliette's nephew, Liam, enters stage left. He's handsome, he's smart, he is devastatingly British…and his family ties to Juliette pose a serious problem, forcing Winnie to keep their burgeoning relationship on the down-low. What could go wrong?

Balancing a production seemingly headed for disaster, a secret romance and the sweetest, most rambunctious rescue dog, will Winnie save the play, make her own dreams come true and find love along the way—or will the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune get the best of her?

Jovem adulto / Romance

Edições (1)

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Here for the Drama


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Que história linda!
on 30/6/22

Winnie é uma aspirante a dramaturga que trabalha para Juliette Brassard, uma dramaturga de sucesso. As duas embarcam pra Londres onde a peça mais famosa de Juliette – The Lights of Trafalgar – será encenada. Lá Winnie tem que lidar com a teimosia da Juliette em relação as ideias da diretora da peça, esperar a boa vontade da chefe pra ler a peça que ela escreveu e esconder seu relacionamento cada vez mais íntimo com o sobrinho da Juliette, Liam. Here for the Drama tem uma narrativa t... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/06/2022 18:47:16
editou em:
26/06/2022 18:49:06

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