High Note

High Note Heather Long


High Note (Cardinal Sins Book 3 #3)

Carve up the world…

From the moment my sexy death angel strode through that door, I’d been in lust. Or at least that was what I told myself. Beautiful, powerful, and far too dangerous for me, and I was hooked.

Utterly, irrevocably hooked.

Course, she had her own personal psycho puppy and, man, as much as I’d like to hate him, I didn’t. The dude was OCD to the point of painful when it came to cleaning, and he had the best skills in the kitchen. He also worshiped the ground she walked on.

Same, man, same.

We were making this work, even with the Fed in the dungeon. Then she didn’t come home. I didn’t care what I had to do, I was going to get her back.

If that meant letting the Fed out and working with him, then I was down. He could kick down the door and break the bones, whatever it took. If we had to take the world apart, well, then that was what we’d do.

Rick needed her. Mr. Call Me Cash was obsessed with her.

And me?

Well, I was all of the above. No way we were letting her go without a fight, not after we’d hit more than one high note together.

HIGH NOTE is a full length dark adult romance and psychological thriller with suspenseful themes. Any trigger warnings will be included in the foreword. Some situations may be uncomfortable for readers. This is a reverse harem novel, meaning the main character has more than one love interest. This is book three in the series.


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High Note


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Bom, mas poderia ser melhor.
on 19/7/23

num geral é bem parado e tem muita encheção de linguiça, os primeiros 30% foram muito bons e depois não aconteceu nada, em pelo menos 50% do livro não acontece nada, é só um monte do que eu suponho que fosse suspense pelo que vem aí, mas na verdade é só um monte de nada, não tem ação, não tem mistério, nadica de nada. mas quando tem é muito bom, pena que não é muito. o cash é um babaca, arrogante e egoísta que só se importa com ele mesmo e com a obsessão que ele tem pela vienna, no p... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
25/11/2022 19:17:10
editou em:
25/11/2022 19:18:10

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