Hold Me

Hold Me A. M. Arthur


Hold Me (Finding Free #5)

Omega Hyatt Lee is content in his current life as a part-time office assistant and charity volunteer, but now that he’s experienced his first heat, he hopes to scent his bondmate soon. He longs for the kind of loving, stable relationship his older brother has with his own mate. And at a fundraising event for something very dear to his heart, Hyatt does meet his bondmate—the very last alpha Hyatt ever expected.

Dorian Fowler has spent the last year of his life attempting to distance himself from the horrific scandals perpetuated by his parents and fix some of the hurt heaped upon the three Lee siblings. Resigned to being a single alpha, he is amazed and distressed when his nose identifies Hyatt Lee as his bondmate. After a disastrous conversation, Dorian knows he’ll need to work hard to earn his omega’s trust—and the trust of his entire extended family.

Hyatt doesn’t want to like Dorian, but the kind, earnest alpha makes it difficult to resist him. However, Dorian has a deep secret of his own—one that could tear the pair apart before they ever get started.

HOLD ME is the fifth book in the “Finding Free” omegaverse series, which is a spin-off of the fan-favorite “Breaking Free” series. This is an original universe featuring mpreg, A/B/O dynamics, heats, knotting and an alpha-dominated society that is starting to see big advances in omega rights. Content warnings for dark themes apply.

Edições (1)

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Hold Me


Resenhas para Hold Me (1)

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on 17/6/22

Amei ler uma história mais diferente das outras dessa série e sem muito drama, tirando alguns dilemas que os personagens principais enfrentam. Gostei do ritmo dessa história, Hyatt e Dorian são fofos juntos e leria mais sobre eles. Achei as partes do Kell contando sobre o livro da história de vida dele meio enrolação, mas já peguei quando a autora já quer começar a organizar o terreno pra próxima história e acho que foi por isso que ela colocou essas partes. Esse livro mostrou que dá... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
12/06/2022 23:01:17
editou em:
12/06/2022 23:02:11

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