Horn To Be Wild

Horn To Be Wild Alana Khan


Horn To Be Wild (Monster Between The Sheets: Season 2 #11)

Not all beasts are beastly.

Though Jude never complains about her daily struggles in Screaming Woods, she’s happy to let her troubles melt away when she travels in her dreams to an Enchanted Kingdom to meet a magical monarch who adores her.

The clues add up every morning, making her question if the passionate hours she shares with the affectionate horned king are more than wishes and hopes.

Journey with Jude and her son to the world dreams are made of to meet blue King Sargon and discover the magical kingdom most people believe is only found in fantasy.

This Beauty and the Beast, Fated Mate book, written by USA TODAY Bestselling Author Alana Khan promises spice, no cheating, no cliffhangers, and a very happy ever after. It is part of the Monsters Between the Sheets writing collaboration.

Series blurb: Who says monsters can’t fall in love? In Screaming Woods, anything is possible. Welcome back to the little town turned monstrous by a party potion gone wrong. Your favorite instalove authors are bringing you hairier, scarier, and hornier monsters than ever before in this beastly series coming to your kindle in May 2023.

Contos / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (1)

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Horn To Be Wild


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on 10/7/23

Esse livro ficou bem à parte da série. Sinceramente, nem parece parte da série. 99% da história nem se passa em Screaming Woods, mas sim nos sonhos da Jude. Achei o começo tão chato, que quase abandonei a leitura. Descrição em excesso, que deixou tudo muito arrastado. Essa autora não participou da primeira temporada, e aqui, o pouco que ela falou sobre Screaming Woods destoou do que havia sido falado nos outros livros (como assim ninguém queria ir pra cidade, como assim tinha má fama, ... leia mais


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Suelen Mattos
cadastrou em:
08/06/2023 19:29:34
Suelen Mattos
editou em:
08/06/2023 19:29:49

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