How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information (English Edition)

How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information (English Edition) Alberto Cairo


How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information (English Edition)

A leading data visualization expert explores the negativeand positiveinfluences that charts have on our perception of truth. Weve all heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but what if we dont understand what were looking at? Social media has made charts, infographics, and diagrams ubiquitousand easier to share than ever. We associate charts with science and reason; the flashy visuals are both appealing and persuasive. Pie charts, maps, bar and line graphs, and scatter plots (to name a few) can better inform us, revealing patterns and trends hidden behind the numbers we encounter in our lives. In short, good charts make us smarterif we know how to read them. However, they can also lead us astray. Charts lie in a variety of waysdisplaying incomplete or inaccurate data, suggesting misleading patterns, and concealing uncertaintyor are frequently misunderstood, such as the confusing cone of uncertainty maps shown on TV every hurricane season. To make matters worse, many of us are ill-equipped to interpret the visuals that politicians, journalists, advertisers, and even our employers present each day, enabling bad actors to easily manipulate them to promote their own agendas. In How Charts Lie, data visualization expert Alberto Cairo teaches us to not only spot the lies in deceptive visuals, but also to take advantage of good ones to understand complex stories. Public conversations are increasingly propelled by numbers, and to make sense of them we must be able to decode and use visual information. By examining contemporary examples ranging from election-result infographics to global GDP maps and box-office record charts, How Charts Lie demystifies an essential new literacy, one that will make us better equipped to navigate our data-driven world.

Edições (1)

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How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information (English Edition)



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João gregorio
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21/06/2020 20:56:09

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