Hungry For Her

Hungry For Her Jagger Cole


Hungry For Her

A Small Town Mafia Holiday Romance

Cold River Falls was supposed to be a place to start over. No more fights. No more killing for the mob. Just an escape from the demons from my broken past. A new name, a new life, a new clean future.

That plan is going pretty great, until she walks through the front door of my bakery.

Curvy and sweet. Tempting and innocent. Sophie Caradine pulls me in like no other woman ever has. She captivates me, like a moth to flame. She’s a goodness I’ve never once known.

I should stay the hell away from Sophie. But when trouble from both our pasts comes looking for her, there ain’t no way I’m standing by.

Getting involved could jeopardize everything. Getting close to her could destroy the peace I’ve built for myself.

I used to use these rough hands in anger. But now, all I want to use them for is loving her. Now, all I want to do is hold her close, keep her safe, and never let her go.

And you can be damn sure I won’t.

Looking for a snack to wet your appetite this Thanksgiving? Grab a spoon and dig in! Short, steamy, and sweet as pie. Double the helping of instalove, and a "one-and-only" growly hero guaranteed to melt those winter chills away. No cliffhanger, and a perfect happy ever after.

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Hungry For Her


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Resenhas para Hungry For Her (2)

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on 8/8/21

Aaaaaah só pelo epílogo no livro de Wrapped Up In Her, eu soube que morreria de amores pelo protas desse livro. Dito e feito. Amei a história deles. ?... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.0 / 16
ranking 6
ranking 38
ranking 31
ranking 13
ranking 13



Luh Silva
cadastrou em:
12/06/2021 20:24:42
Luh Silva
editou em:
12/06/2021 20:25:51

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