I Know This Much Is True

I Know This Much Is True Wally Lamb


I Know This Much Is True

#1 New York Times Bestseller and Oprah Book Club selection

"Thoughtful . . . heart-wrenching . . . . An exercise in soul-baring storytelling—with the soul belonging to 20th-century America itself. It's hard to read and to stop reading, and impossible to forget." — USA Today

Dominick Birdsey, a forty-year-old housepainter living in Three Rivers, Connecticut, finds his subdued life greatly disturbed when his identical twin brother Thomas, a paranoid schizophrenic, commits a shocking act of self-mutilation. Dominick is forced to care for his brother as well as confront dark secrets and pain he has buried deep within himself—a journey of the soul that takes him beyond his blue-collar New England town to Sicily’s Mount Etna, the birthplace of his grandfather and namesake. Coming to terms with his life and lineage, Dominick struggles to find forgiveness and finally rebuild himself beyond the haunted shadow of his troubled twin.

I Know This Much Is True is a masterfully told story of alienation and connection, power and abuse, devastation and renewal—an unforgettable masterpiece.


Edições (2)

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I Know This Much Is True
Eu conheço a verdade


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O pintassilgo
I know this much is true

Resenhas para I Know This Much Is True (7)

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on 12/3/23

Durante a pandemia, livros e comidas eram praticamente meus únicos gastos variáveis. Meu calcanhar de Aquiles eram promoções de livros importados do estilo "Leve 3 Pague 2", em que o mais barato de três livros saia de graça. Para maximizar o desconto, anotava todos os livros que me interessavam numa planilha, ordenava pelo preço e avaliação, e agregava os livros por proximidade de preço. "I know this much is true" estava muito bem avaliado tanto na Amazon quanto no Goodreads (tipo Sk... leia mais

Vídeos I Know This Much Is True (1)

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Resenha Crítica | I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE, a interpretação da carreira de MARK RUFFALO

Resenha Crítica | I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE, a


Avaliações 4.5 / 33
ranking 76
ranking 12
ranking 9
ranking 3
ranking 0



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25/06/2020 18:30:25

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