I Was Born For This

I Was Born For This Alice Oseman


I Was Born For This

From the bestselling creator of HEARTSTOPPER and LOVELESS, a deeply funny and deeply moving exploration of identity, friendship, and fame.
For Angel Rahimi life is about one thing: The Ark -- a boy band that's taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark's fandom has given her everything she loves -- her friend Juliet, her dreams, her place in the world. Her Muslim family doesn't understand the band's allure -- but Angel feels there are things about her they'll never understand.

Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark. He's their frontman -- and playing in a band with his mates is all he ever dreamed of doing, even it only amplifies his anxiety. The fans are very accepting that he's trans -- but they also keep shipping with him with his longtime friend and bandmate, Rowan. But Jimmy and Rowan are just friends -- and Rowan has a secret girlfriend the fans can never know about. Dreams don't always turn out the way you think and when Jimmy and Angel are unexpectedly thrust together, they find out how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be.

A funny, wise, and heartbreakingly true coming of age novel. I Was Born for This is a stunning reflection of modern teenage life, and the power of believing in something -- especially yourself.

Ficção / Jovem adulto

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I Was Born For This


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I Was Born For This
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Devorei esse livro completamente
on 5/9/23

ja estava ansiosa pra ler esse a muito tempo desde que soube da proposta, amo histórias de bandas!! o que foi entregue é muito maior do que eu esperava. a imagem da angel sendo uma fã MUITO fã me fez me identificar várias vezes (mesmo que em alguns momentos batesse aquela vontade de fazer ela acordar pra vida). os personagens são tão reais que causa certo desconforto em muitos (de acordo com varias resenhas que eu li que reclamaram sobre) mas isso torna tudo TÃO incrivel e bonit... leia mais


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21/08/2022 11:55:00
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10/08/2023 22:52:59