Ice Prince

Ice Prince Nichole Rose


Ice Prince (Playing for Keeps #3)

When life spins wildly out of control, a bossy hockey star and a curvy maid will find forever…or be forever ruined.

Theo Kline
I know everything there is to know about hockey.
Right now, I'd give everything just to understand her.
Charlotte Mabry is a curvy little goddess with the sweetest smile.
She's also my mother's boyfriend's favorite niece.
Dating her is off the table so I hired her to work for me instead.
I never expected to find her asleep in my bed.
Or for our first kiss to hit the news.
But I don't care who knows about us. She's mine now.

Charlotte Mabry
My mom always told me falling in love was easy.
But she left out important instructions.
Like what to do when your Prince Charming is a hockey star…
And you're a certified hot mess.
She also forgot to mention what to do when you find yourself homeless and falling asleep in his bed.
When I dreamed of Theo kissing me, I didn't expect it to end up like this.
Now the whole world is watching, and I'm one disaster away from infamy.
When he finds out the truth, he'll never look at me the same way again.
And I already know losing him will break me.

When this OTT hockey star falls for a hot mess, there's danger on the ice. Just kidding. But there is a lot of steam, which is basically the same thing. If you enjoy laugh-out-loud comedy, adorably sweet hockey stars, and hopeless heroines, you'll love Theo and Charlotte! As always, Nichole Rose books come complete with a sticky sweet and guaranteed HEA.


Edições (1)

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Ice Prince


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Resenhas para Ice Prince (1)

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Príncipe do Gelo
on 30/1/24

Desde o primeiro livro a gente vem tendo vislumbres desse casal no estilo romance proibido e eu estava bem curiosa pra conferir essa história. Me surpreendeu positivamente, porque pela sinopse imaginei que seria mais puxado pro drama, mas apesar de realmente a mocinha ter passado por poucas e boas, o livro foi super leve, engraçado divertido. Charlotte e Theo se amavam, mas um achava que o outro não suportava a sua presença, então se evitavam sempre que possível (o que era uma proeza,... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
31/03/2023 00:32:42
editou em:
31/03/2023 00:34:15

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