I'll Be Seeing U Dianne Castell


I'll Be Seeing U

When Rory O'Fallon found a beautiful baby girl on his front porch it was just the beginning of Dianne Castell's captivating trilogy about the strong, loyal O'Fallon men of the Mississippi River. Now, the story that began in 'Til There Was U and continued with The Way U Look Tonight comes full circle. . .because bad boy Quaid O'Fallon is finally coming home. . . Quaid Everybody in Fallon's Landing remembers Quaid O'Fallon as the street-tough kid adopted by the tight-knit clan and made into one of their own. Quaid's spent the last few years working in the Coast Guard Search and Rescue in Alaska, but he's still got a hint of danger humming under the surface--and a heart fiercely loyal to the man who saved him, Rory O'Fallon. That's why he had to come back home. What he doesn't expect is to run into the only person who's ever cracked his armor, Cynthia James. His attraction to the single mom has lasted years even though they're worlds apart. She loves New York; he loves the River. She's Vogue; he's Field & Stream. She designs beautiful clothes; his job is fishing people out of dangerous waters. He may be a rough-and-tumble river man, but he's not about to let a second chance at his dream woman get away. . . Cynthia came home to Fallon's Landing in defeat after her smooth-talking husband ran her clothing business into the ground and left her with their son to raise. The last thing she needs is another man in her life, no matter how incredibly tempting he is. But Quaid's always been a fascination to her. She's wondered what those strong arms would feel like wrapped around her, or what ways a man that bold might have of pleasing a woman. He's all wrong for her, but once she shuts out the rest of the world and tastes Quaid's hungry kisses, all she can think about is just how right he feels. . .

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