In Bed With the Beast

In Bed With the Beast Tara Sivec


In Bed With the Beast (Naughty Princess Club #2)

A tale as old as time: she needs a place to stay, he's a grump with a secret and an extra room...can love find a way?

Meet the Naughty Princess Club, a series from USA Today bestselling author Tara Sivec that brings readers to Fairytale Lane and the hilarity—and romance—that three women fall into once they decide to strut their stuff and bring on their own happily ever after.

Living in her overprotective dad’s basement, shy Belle lives her life through books. Being a part of the Naughty Princess Club is the first adventure she’s ever had, plus she desperately needs the money to save one of her favorite places - the local library.

But when her new friends and new business gets her kicked out of her dad’s house, Belle is rescued by the surly Vincent “Beast” Adams who invites her to be his house guest until she gets back on her feet. Despite his attitude problem and long list of rules, Belle finds herself warming to the muscled man with a penchant for growling and starts seeing a gentle side to him that wasn’t there before.

Yet there’s a room that Beast keeps locked and Belle keeps getting hints that Beast is hiding something…can a nerdy librarian tame the beast or will their romance be over before it has a chance to blossom?

Ficção / Romance

Edições (1)

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In Bed With the Beast


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The Belle tamed the Beast.
on 16/8/20

Minha opinião sobre esse livro pode ser um pouco contraditória. Tiveram partes que eu realmente gostei e outras que eu detestei totalmente. Como de costume nessa trilogia, o início do livro foi muito promissor e muito legal de ler. Eu morria de curiosidade de saber como seria a trajetória da Belle por ela ser a mais inimaginável de se tornar uma stripper. Logo de cara eu passei a gostar muito da narrativa dela, em alguns pontos até mais do que a da Cindy, e o par romântico aqui tamb... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.9 / 159
ranking 31
ranking 47
ranking 19
ranking 2
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
13/04/2018 14:43:04
editou em:
13/06/2018 21:56:04

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