In the Dark

In the Dark Pamela Burford


In the Dark

Pamela Burford just keeps getting better and better In the Dark is one of the funniest, most delightful novels Ive read in a month of Sundays a whirlwind of fun, sensuality, poignancy and page-turning appeal. The Romance Reader (4 stars) A captivating tale readers will love! FANTASTIC! FIVE BELLS!!! Bell, Book and Candle (5 bells) Humor and romance under one cover! A delicious treat from Pamela Burford. In the Dark will leave you breathless...A fun, fast-paced read! The Literary Times The characters linger in memory long after the last page has been turned This ones a keeper! WCRG on AOL Reviewer Board A New York City blackout complicates Cats baby-making date in this feel-good romantic comedy! Please let me get pregnant! Cat Seabrights biological clock is hollering at her to get on with it already. She has a profound desire for a baby, and a limited window of opportunity in which to make one. What she doesnt have is a significant other. Thats where her pals cousin comes in. Agreeable guy that he is, he promises to fly to New York from Alaska, do the deed, then promptly fly back out of her life. All goes according to plan... except for the part about the agreeable guy from Alaska. Oh, theres a man in her bed, all right, a sexy, virile man whos more than up to the task. The thing is, a full-fledged New York City blackout has plunged their baby-making date into darkness, obscuring her view of the energetic stud. The next day Cat finds out Mr. Alaska never made it to New York! So who the heck did she have sex with? When she discovers the mans identity, and that she has to work closely with this particular bad boy for the next several weeks, all she can think is, Please let me not be pregnant!

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