Italian short stories for beginners, volume 2

Italian short stories for beginners, volume 2 Olly Richards


Italian short stories for beginners, volume 2

More unconventional short stories to grow your vocabulary and learn Italian the fun way!

This is Volume 2 of the international bestseller, featuring 8 brand new stories!

In this book you will find:

Short stories from a variety of compelling genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller, so you’ll have great fun reading, whilst learning a wide range of new vocabulary and rapidly improving your Italian comprehension!

Stories which are broken down into manageable chapters, so you always make progress with the story and feel a sense of achievement without great difficulty reading!

Realistic amounts of new vocabulary so that you’re not overwhelmed by complex words. Instead of pausing to look up every word, you’ll absorb new vocabulary from the context of the story, and have the satisfaction of that moment when you say: “I totally understood that sentence!”

Carefully written Italian, using straightforward grammar that is comprehensible for beginner and intermediate level learners, so that you can enjoy reading and learn new grammatical structures without the feeling of overwhelm and frustration that you get from other books.

Plenty of natural dialogues in each story, so that you can learn conversational Italian whilst you read, and improve your speaking ability at the same time!

Regular plot summaries, comprehension questions and word reference lists, so that help is always on hand when you need it. You’ll be able to focus on enjoying reading and having fun, rather than fumbling around with dictionaries and struggling through dense text with no support.

A five-step plan for reading the stories in this book the smart way. This detailed introductory chapter gives you specific, step-by-step instructions for effective reading in Italian, so that you know exactly how to make the most out of the book and maximise your learning!

Línguas Estrangeiras / Literatura Estrangeira

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Italian short stories for beginners, volume 2



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Flavio Petraccone
cadastrou em:
04/01/2021 07:34:05
Flavio Petraccone
editou em:
04/01/2021 07:37:00

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