Itil for Beginners: The Complete Beginner

Itil for Beginners: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Itil Clydebank Technology


Itil for Beginners: The Complete Beginner's Guide to Itil

ITIL, Made Simple! A comprehensive yet nicely abbreviated alternative to the five multi-thousand page volumes comprising the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL(r)). Welcome to ITIL(r) simplified! For over two decades ITIL(r) has informed the way in which IT delivers services to customers while remaining methodically in-synch with the needs of business. ITIL(r) best-practices have helped business better manage IT assets, cut costs, provide better customer service, improve internal communications and much more. A cottage industry has emerged offering formal ITIL(r) trainings and certifications. IT professionals with ITIL(r) know-how enjoy a preferred status among hiring managers and executives. Meanwhile, ITIL(r) consultants regularly show up at the doorsteps of business across the globe committed to revamping underperforming, uncommunicative and non-service oriented IT departments. ITIL(r) For Beginners breaks this robust IT framework down into its five core lifecycle phases and reviews the processes, sub-processes, and evaluation metrics (KPIs) associated with each phase. This beginner-friendly text is easy-to-read and fully accessible to ITIL(r) newcomers. For IT professionals already familiar with one or more of ITIL(r)'s lifecycle phases, this book will provide a breadth of context for ITIL(r)'s summary-level functioning and may be used as a decision-making aid for those considering an in-depth study or certification in a certain area of ITIL(r). ITIL(r) For Beginners was reviewed and licensed by Axelos, the government-sponsored publisher of ITIL(r). We at ClydeBank Technology, the publishers of ITIL for Beginners, are grateful and excited to be sharing our work on this interesting subject here on Amazon and across a multitude of other distribution channels. You'll Learn...The history and inspirations for ITIL(r)How ITIL(r) can directly improve the experiences of employees, managers, partners, and customersThe mistakes commonly made by beginners when implementing ITILAll of the ITIL Life Cycle Phases, Processes, Sub-Processes, and formal KPIsITIL(r)'s real-world application in IT and businessA Risk-Free Purchase - No Questions Asked Money Back GuranteeWe are so confident that methods outlined in this book will help you understand ITIL that we're willing to let you try the book risk-free. If you are not fully satisfied with the product, simply let us know and we will provide a 100% full refund. That's right, a 100% Money-Back Guarantee! What reason do you have to not give this book a try? Scroll Up To The Top Of The Page And Click The Orange "Buy Now" Icon On The Right Side Right Now! ClydeBank Media LLC All

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Itil for Beginners: The Complete Beginner



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