Just Cause

Just Cause Carolyn Arnold


Just Cause

***Hélène Joy (Durham County, Murdoch Mysteries) to star as Detective Madison Knight in the series adaptation currently being developed by Muse Entertainment and Pop Fiction.*** Her breath hitches, and her stomach lurches, tossing up bile into the back of her throat. The man holds the revolver to her head and says, Lets play a little game. She closes her eyes with each pull of the trigger, almost praying for a bullet. They told her if the gun doesnt kill her, theyd take their time The recent murder of a defense attorney has Detective Madison Knight fueled to find justice for him and a lawyer who was killed eight years ago. Shed never solved that crime, but shes always had a strong suspicion who was behind the murder. Her theory only gains momentum when she connects both men to Dimitre Petrov, head of the Russian Mafia. With each new piece of evidence that surfaces, Madison feels closer than ever to finding the trutheven if it makes her an enemy of the mob. But as she unearths their deadly secrets, she soon realizes the Mafia isnt all she has to worry about. Someone inside the Stiles Police Department is determined to thwart her efforts and bring her to her knees. Madison will need to be clever and act swiftly if shes to stay one step ahead of her adversaries and find justice for the victims. If she doesnt, she could end up losing everything. Possibly even her own life. Just Cause is a fast-paced crime thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat with twists and turns youll never see coming. Uncover clues, follow leads, and catch a killer like thousands of readers have done before you. Buy this international bestselling book today and join the investigation! Perfect for fans of fans of Rachel Caine, Lisa Regan and Carol Wyer. Readers love Just Cause: There is so much actionVery intense. This is an action-packed story. This book is full of suspense and fear. Arnold combines action, suspense and a little romance. The book pulls you in and keeps you turning page after page. The plot is unusual. It is rich and flows. Wonderfully written book in the Madison Knight series. Really thrilling, like all her books. Well-woven story as usual from this author. Arnold is in a league with the author James Patterson, and I truly mean this as a compliment. Great storyline and characters. Excellent. Fast-paced, action-packed, must read!

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11/12/2022 05:33:36