Justice For Hope

Justice For Hope Susan Stoker


Justice For Hope (Badge of Honor: Texas Heroes #12)

Hiding from her ex is exhausting enough, but for Hope Drayden, putting her seven-year-old son through a life on the run and living on the streets has been mentally torturous. When a kind diner owner offers her a job, Hope begins to claw her way toward a new beginning for herself and Billy, one tip at a time. But since her son’s recent abduction, and with threats from her ex still fresh in her mind, she’s constantly looking over her shoulder. Then a surprising, and lucky, tip from a diner regular puts yet another target on their backs.

At the request of a friend, medical examiner Calder Stonewall has been looking for Hope and Billy for weeks. When they unexpectedly show up at the scene of a crime, his interest soon becomes personal. He’s amazed by the beautiful, brave woman and her resilient son. He’s also surprised by his growing need to take care of them both, although winning Hope’s trust won’t be easy. But when a tragedy thrusts the couple together, Calder quickly proves he’s a man Hope can rely on.

Which is a good thing…because she’ll need all his support, and love, to get through a threat they never saw coming.

Erótico / Romance / Suspense e Mistério

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on 19/1/22

Hope Drayden e seu filho fugiram de Seatle, do companheiro abusivo e policial e sem dinheiro ou a quem recorrer acabaram sem teto e vivendo nas ruas de San Antônio - Texas. Preocupada com ela e o garotinho, Blythe (personagem central feminina do livro anterior) pede aos amigos policiais que procurem por eles. Entre esses amigos está o médico legista Calder Stonewall. Ele não sabe explicar, mas ele sente uma necessidade enorme de achar e ajudar essa pequena família. Quando ele fin... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.5 / 8
ranking 63
ranking 38
ranking 0
ranking 0
ranking 0



cadastrou em:
18/01/2022 06:23:34
editou em:
15/03/2022 16:03:56

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