Kill the King

Kill the King Elizabeth Dear


Kill the King (A Knight's Revenge #3)

In Saint Gabriel City, the rule of the Four Families ends now.

They’re bottom-feeding criminals pretending to be the model of the American dream.

They suck the City dry to serve themselves and the elite class that licks their boots day in and day out.

They murdered my parents out of sheer, unbridled greed.

And now, they’ve dared to take Zach from me.

With my boys, my family, and the Shadows by my side, I’ll finish this fight. No more dancing around the corporate boardroom—we’ve come to destroy the Families, and we’ll give it everything we’ve got.

And we’ll continue to run the halls of Holywell Academy while we do it.

Peter Hargraves, Andrea Ferrero, and James Spencer—I’m fucking coming for you, and your sons will be by my side to the bitter end.

This is a New Adult, college-aged dark academy romance. It is the third and final book in the trilogy and ends with a HEA. It is also a WhyChoose romance, which means our heroine has multiple love interests, and she will not have to choose between them. As always, this series is for readers age 18+ and contains a ton of foul language, very steamy scenes, and violent themes. If you’ve read Storm the Gates (A Knight’s Revenge Book 1) and Seize the Castle (A Knight’s Revenge Book 2) and want to see how Jolie and the boys get to their happy ending, jump in!

Jovem adulto / Romance

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Kill the King


(2) ver mais
Seize the Castle
Storm the Gates

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Bom, mas achei o mais fraco dos 3.
on 4/3/24

Essa trilogia foi uma agradável surpresa. Apresentou um enredo muito bom, super interessante e cheio de reviravoltas. Trouxe personagens incríveis e uma protagonista maravilhosa e super inteligente, do tipo que todos subestimam mas que na real é a mais poderosa e esperta do livro (Jolie Knight é muito diva. O relacionamento dos protagonistas foi muito bonitinho de se ler, todo o enredo de amigos de infância e o Found Family foi incrível. Achei que deveria ter tido mais um pouco de d... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
26/03/2023 19:05:06
editou em:
26/03/2023 19:05:24