King of Clubs

King of Clubs Jekka Wilde


King of Clubs (The wicked boys of Wonderland #2)

The King of Clubs thinks he can break me...
Not if I break him first.

I took a gamble and accidentally made a deal with a demon—an incubus—whatever that is.
Now the King of Clubs is holding me prisoner, which is ironic since his name is Ransom.

But he doesn't want money.
He wants my submission.
Good luck with that.

The King of Clubs rules over The Rabbit Hole, his casino and exotic club. After being properly trained, his ‘bunnies’ ensure that every sinful pleasure is readily available to his guests and ripe for the picking. Ransom does love fruit…
Ask me how I know.

My king has strict rules for me, his newest bunny, and they’re as humiliating as they are enticing. Leashed and collared, I’m praised when I obey him, and punished when I don’t. His unique style of training has awakened desires within me that I never knew existed. With every touch, I’m drawn deeper into a world of temptation and surrender.

Ransom says he’s teaching me things like discipline, patience, and resilience. He claims that his twisted games and brutal challenges are meant to make me a better fighter against the Red Queen’s Jabberwocky. He tells me this is all for my own good…although I’m starting to wonder if it’s being done for his own pleasure.

But Ransom’s not the only one with skills.
This bratty little bunny has tricks of her own.
I’m not going down without a fight.

While the chemistry between us is undeniable, I can't ignore the secrets that lie beneath Ransom's seductive façade. The more time I spend with my king, the more I realize it doesn’t matter how hard I fight—
When it comes to gambling, the house always wins.

King of Clubs is a scorching hot and twisted retelling of Alice in Wonderland. Please check the author's website for CWs.


Edições (1)

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King of Clubs


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Eu tô muito triste
on 29/8/23

Eu tava animada d+ pro lançamento desse livro O anterior acaba pela Alice sendo "sequestrada" pela lagarta e pelo Rei Bem, é parte de um plano... Mas assim, muita coisa me incomodou 1. Tem cena de ESTUPRO nesse livro. A personagem trata como se NADA tivesse acontecido. O cara mata todos, pronto, fim de história, me coma. 2. Tudo muito rápido. Dava pra dar uma desacelerada. Não precisa correr pra fazer uma saga enorme ou sei la. 3. Essa mania de que sexo cura tudo Tem bem mais... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/07/2023 22:19:51
editou em:
29/08/2023 23:11:41

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