Kiss Me Now

Kiss Me Now Melanie Jacobson


Kiss Me Now

A Romantic Comedy

He’d be the perfect guy…if he wasn’t trying to ruin her life.

Ian would do anything for his grandmother, so when Gran suddenly announces she’s leaving the family property to her pretty new neighbor, Ian is on the case. He’ll use every one of his sharply-honed skills as a private investigator to expose the gold digger and save Gran.

Brooke is living her best life far from the city and career that tried to destroy her. She’s happy spending her summer renovating the house she inherited and gardening with her elderly neighbor, Miss Lily. But when Miss Lily’s handsome—and obnoxious—grandson shows up, making wild accusations and dragging up Brooke’s past, Brooke must convince Ian he has her all wrong.

But what happens when their chemistry proves even more dangerous than Ian’s accusations?

Escape into this fresh new romantic comedy full of two-time Whitney Award winner Melanie Jacobson’s trademark wit and warmth.

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Kiss Me Now


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Kiss and Tell

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Kiss me Now
on 18/6/23

Kiss me now conta a história de Romance levinha e descontraída. Brooke, uma mulher que se muda para uma cidadezinha pequena, Lily, sua vizinha, uma senhorinha simpática e inteligente e Ian, o atraente neto da Lily. A autora desenrola a história de diversas formas e trás um tema delicado em meio a trama. Apesar de ser um livro rápido de ler e fluido, não gostei do desenvolvimento dos pontos tratados. O romance é fraco e enrolado, não senti aquela ?coisa toda? com o casal. O ponto pr... leia mais


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Avaliações 2.9 / 7
ranking 14
ranking 14
ranking 43
ranking 29
ranking 0



Ana Alice Andrade
cadastrou em:
14/05/2021 10:15:39
Ana Alice Andrade
editou em:
14/05/2021 10:16:15

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