Kiss of a Demon King

Kiss of a Demon King Kresley Cole


Kiss of a Demon King (Immortals After Dark #07)

Immortals After Dark, Book 7

With one kiss, he knew she’d be his queen…

From New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole comes this spellbinding story of a demon king fighting to reclaim his crown and the wicked sorceress who dares to use his most secret desires to thwart him.
His obsession: the enchantress who surrenders her body, but not her heart.

After Sabine, the Queen of Illusions, lures and traps Rydstrom Woede in her lair, the ruthless warrior fights to resist her seduction. But his fierce demon nature lusts for her delicate body and won’t be denied. Even as Rydstrom plots to escape, he still intends to claim Sabine as his own–on his terms.
Her downfall: the battle-scarred demon who vows to keep her at all costs.

When Rydstrom breaks free, he abducts Sabine, turning the tables. Now she’s the one struggling to resist his delicious torment. With each relentless encounter, Sabine hungers more for her merciless adversary.
They were never supposed to want each other this much…

If they can defeat the sinister enemy that stands between them, will Sabine make the ultimate sacrifice to save her demon? Or will the proud king lay down his crown and arms to keep his sorceress?

Erótico / Fantasia / Ficção / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (3)

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 Kiss of a Demon King
Kiss of a Demon King
Kiss of a Demon King


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on 21/10/10

Ryd todo certinho, "o dever antes de qualquer coisa", passou a vida (15 séculos) buscando sua companheira nas mulheres mais chatas e tediosas que ele conseguia encontrar, tudo pq sua "rainha" tinha que ser perfeitinha!!! então, qndo Sabine, a feiticeira má e perversa o sequestra, ele praticamente entra em choque ao descobrir que toda sua busca foi em vão, pq sua companheira tem todas as "qualidades" que ele mais despreza no mundo...e é assim que a Sabine vai virar a vida monótona do re... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 207
ranking 49
ranking 34
ranking 15
ranking 2
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12/04/2015 22:32:48