Left Field Love

Left Field Love C.W. Farnsworth


Left Field Love

Lennon Matthews has been looking forward to the end of senior year since the first day of high school. She’s sick of the stares and whispers that follow her around, of balancing staying at the top of her class with all her other responsibilities.

And she’s especially over interacting with Caleb Winters. The town golden boy who refuses to ignore her existence, no matter how hard she tries to remain invisible. The star pitcher with a bright, shiny future in front of him, very different from Lennon’s path after graduation.

But Caleb’s life isn’t as perfect as it appears. His family is fractured beneath the facade and the pressure of high expectations is constant. He had no interest in moving to the small, horse-racing-obsessed town of Landry, Kentucky, and no say in the matter either. And the one girl he’s interested in stubbornly refuses to give him the time of day.

Until persistence finally seems to shift Lennon’s perception of him. But one thing that doesn’t change as graduation creeps closer? Her insistence that their lives are too different for anything serious or lasting between them. Caleb’s professional baseball aspirations are more present than ever, and he hasn’t hidden his desire to leave Landry. Between caring for the only family she has left and managing what’s left of their farm, she’s tied to Landry with no intention of that ever changing.

Lennon has spent years eager to see Caleb leave. She’s the only reason he wants to stay. Together, they’ll have to decide what they’re willing to sacrifice. For themselves…and for each other.

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Left Field Love

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"você é minha casa."
on 5/2/24

eu realmente gostei desse livro. confesso que no início não tava colocando muita fé ? pq já tinha lidos uns livros dela e não tinha gostado, mas esse aqui é muito bom. no começo eu não tava me conectando com a história, mas quando eu comecei a pegar o ritmo, não consegui mais parar. amei demais a maneira como a autora conduziu a narrativa; foi muito bom acompanhar o desenvolvimento do caleb e da lennon. o amor deles é tão real, mesmo com todas as dificuldade eles não desistiram da rel... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 18
ranking 56
ranking 28
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19/06/2023 21:56:36