Let Go

Let Go Pat Flynn


Let Go

Expanded Edition: How to Transform Moments of Panic into a Life of Profits and Purpose

In this expanded edition of Let Go, best-selling author and successful online entrepreneur Pat Flynn explores what it means to let go of the things that keep us from the journeys we yearn to forge and the achievements we aspire to attain.

With eight new chapters, Flynn shares with readers the wisdom he’s learned during the years since he was let go from his architecture job during the height of the U.S. economic downturn. As told in the first edition of Let Go, Flynn used that set back to forge his own path and has gone on to become one of today's most beloved thought leaders in the areas of Internet business, online marketing, and lifestyle entrepreneurialism.

Building upon the first edition of Let Go, this expanded edition continues Pat’s story with a comprehensive exploration of the act and art of “letting go” as an integral part of the growth we all seek as humans, as told through the lens of an eight-year online business journey—with its highs and lows to learn from and apply to your own journey.

Let Go gives you a view into your potential future—to feel inspired about what’s possible, and also understand some of the struggles and challenges that might arise as you build your own business and create the life you want to live. You’ll discover how Pat was challenged by and learned to let go of the desire to say yes to everything, let go of the limiting belief that he could control all facets of his business, let go of the reluctance to embrace change, and so much more.

If you share Pat's impulse to pursue your own path, but may not know what to let go or how to let go in order to achieve that, then you'll find value within the pages of Let Go. After all, we all must confront the same risky idea if we are to unlock our true potential: letting go.

Negócios e Empreendedorismo

Edições (1)

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Let Go



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Fernando Dubus
cadastrou em:
05/01/2019 18:12:42

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