Let the Great World Spin

Let the Great World Spin Colum McCann


Let the Great World Spin

A Novel

McCann's sweeping new novel hinges on Philippe Petit's illicit 1974 high-wire walk between the twin towers. It is the aftermath, in which Petit appears in the courtroom of Judge Solomon Soderberg, that sets events into motion. Solomon, anxious to get to Petit, quickly dispenses with a petty larceny involving mother/daughter hookers Tillie and Jazzlyn Henderson. Jazzlyn is let go, but is killed on the way home in a traffic accident. Also killed is John Corrigan, a priest who was giving her a ride. The other driver, an artist named Blaine, drives away, and the next day his wife, Lara, feeling guilty, tries to check on the victims, leading her to meet John's brother, with whom she'll form an enduring bond. Meanwhile, Solomon's wife, Claire, meets with a group of mothers who have lost sons in Vietnam. One of them, Gloria, lives in the same building where John lived, which is how Claire, taking Gloria home, witnesses a small salvation. McCann's dogged, DeLillo-like ambition to show American magic and dread sometimes comes unfocused—John Corrigan in particular never seems real—but he succeeds in giving us a high-wire performance of style and heart.

Edições (3)

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Let the Great World Spin
Let the great world spin
Let the Great World Spin


Resenhas para Let the Great World Spin (1)

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As cordas bambas do mundo
on 26/4/13

Em uma nublada manhã de agosto de 1974 Philippe Petit estendeu um cabo de aço no alto entre as duas torres do World Trade Center e caminhou sobre ele. Não apenas andou como também se ajoelhou, deitou, pulou, dançou e correu. É um momento sublime, uma epifania. Cento e dez andares, quatrocentos e cinquenta metros abaixo outras pessoas se equilibram sobre outras cordas, mas ao nível do solo. Essas histórias são contadas por Colum McCann em ‘Let the great world spin’ (‘Deixe o grande m... leia mais


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Avaliações 4.2 / 14
ranking 43
ranking 36
ranking 21
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João Paulo
cadastrou em:
16/08/2010 14:07:10

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