When Wishes Bleed

When Wishes Bleed Casey L. Bond


When Wishes Bleed #1

One Prince. One Witch. One Fate.
The upheaval in my life began the moment a prince stumbled into my house and asked me to read his fortune. Any other night, I might have made an excuse to get him to leave, but this was no normal visit. My fingers prickled to touch him. So, I granted his request by handing him a single wishbone. When he snapped it, the wish … bled.
Hearing me suck in a shocked breath, he asked what it meant. Such an ominous omen could only mean one thing: his death was imminent. Fate revealed that he wouldn’t die of natural causes. Someone wanted him dead. Stunned by the revelation, the man I now knew as Prince Tauren disappeared into a night I feared he wouldn’t survive.
The following day, I received an invitation to the castle. While it seemed the prince believed I could intervene and uncover who was plotting his death, his motives didn’t stop there. I was being summoned to join twelve other women in vying for the opportunity to be his wife and future queen. Going could mean jeopardizing my plans to reclaim my heritage and resurrect the House of Fate. But staying would guarantee Tauren’s death, and the blood of his wish would be on my hands.

Fantasia / Romance

Edições (2)

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When Wishes Bleed
When Wishes Bleed


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Muito bom.
on 29/11/21

Nossa eu amei a temática do livro, a proposta do universo foi incrível e maravilhosa.. muito bem trabalhada, senti que estava lendo uma combinação de "A seleção" com "bones crie moon" só que diferente a seu modo. Enfim, a coisa que eu menos gostei foi a relação do casal.. não teve um contexto pra eles se apaixonarem.. eu sei que eles estavam destinados e tals, Mas poderia ter tido um desenvolvimento melhor entre eles antes de toda essa obsessão que um tem pelo outro. No mais tudo foi ... leia mais


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Avaliações 3.8 / 90
ranking 32
ranking 37
ranking 29
ranking 1
ranking 1



cadastrou em:
26/09/2023 20:19:25
editou em:
26/09/2023 20:22:49

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