Wolf of the Northern Star

Wolf of the Northern Star S.J. Himes


Wolf of the Northern Star (The Wolfkin Saga #2)

Ghost, once known as the cub Luca, is finally home. Back among his kind and learning what it means to be both a man and a shaman, Ghost battles the expectations of his people, his family, and the pressures of a society that is both foreign and familiar. His power is greater than any seen before, dwarfing that of even the legendary Shaman Gray Shadow—and his union with Kane places him in the center of a controversy that rattles wolfkin society around the world.

Kane, greater alpha and Heir to Black Pine Clan, has finally defeated the traitor and murderer that destroyed the heart of Black Pine years before. Freed at last from guilt and pain, Kane has a new enemy to face: his own people. Placed on trial for violation of Law and blasphemy, Kane will have to fight to the death to preserve his bond with Ghost and keep his mate and people safe.

The soulbond between Ghost and Kane is forged by the creator and Goddess of the wolfkin. Usually, a sacred and treasured union that honors the pair and their clans, this soulbond is seen not as a gift, but a threat to eons of tradition and Clan Law.
The union of a Shaman and Alpha is anathema—but how to reconcile that belief when it is the wolfkin Goddess who forged it? Can Ghost and Kane save themselves, preserve their bond, and find a new future when the laws of the ancient past threaten to tear them apart?

**This book is part of a series and is not standalone. Prior books should be read to understand content. 104,000 words. Brief flashbacks of sexual assault and abuse. Mature content and violence.***

Fantasia / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

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Wolf of the Northern Star


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Muito bom
on 11/10/22

Amei essa continuação. A autora não me decepcionou, o que poderia ter sido transformado num dramalhão, foi escrito com muitos capítulos de ação, romance e descobertas. Não sei se terá uma continuação, mas se tiver, com certeza gostaria de ler, pois gostei muito dos livros que li de S.J. Himes. ... leia mais


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cadastrou em:
30/11/2020 16:43:46
editou em:
30/11/2020 16:45:13

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