Dogs of Summer

Dogs of Summer Andrea Abreu


Dogs of Summer

High near the volcano of northern Tenerife, an endless ceiling of cloud cover traps the working class in an abject, oppressive heat. Far away from the island’s posh resorts, two girls dream of hitching a ride down to the beach and escaping their horizonless town.

It’s summer, 2005, and our ten-year-old narrator is consumed by thoughts of her best friend Isora. Isora is rude and bossy, but she’s also vivacious and brave; grownups prefer her, and boys do, too. That's why sometimes she gets jealous of Isora, who already has hair on her vagina and soft, round breasts. But she's definitely not jealous that Isora’s mother is dead, nor that Isora's fat, foul-mouthed grandmother has her on a diet, so that she is constantly sticking her fingers down her throat. Besides, she would do anything for Isora: gorge herself on cakes when her friend wants to watch, follow her to the bathroom when she takes a shit, log into chat rooms to swap dirty instant messages with strangers. But increasingly, our narrator finds it hard to keep up with Isora, who seems to be growing up at full tilt without her—and as her submissiveness veers into a painful sexual awakening, desire grows indistinguishable from intimate violence.

Braiding prose poetry with bachata lyrics and the gritty humor of Canary dialect, Dogs of Summer is a story of exquisite yearning, a brutal picture of girlhood and a love song written for the vital community it portrays.

Ficção / LGBT / GLS / Literatura Estrangeira / Romance

Edições (4)

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Dogs of Summer
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Panza de burro
Panza de burro


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Resenhas para Dogs of Summer (37)

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on 22/5/22

Livro cutinho sobre a intensidade da amizade na infância, descoberta sexual e perda da inocência. Muito divertido, às vezes deprimente, meio nojento, muitas vezes incômodo, e super original! Eu teria apreciado mais sobre as personagens em torno das famílias das meninas e da comunidade, mas no geral foi uma leitura muito boa. Amei! ... leia mais

Vídeos Dogs of Summer (1)

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Resenha: Pança de burro, de Andrea Abreu

Resenha: Pança de burro, de Andrea Abreu


Avaliações 3.8 / 190
ranking 31
ranking 36
ranking 28
ranking 4
ranking 1



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