Fear (The Copper Horse #1)

Fear (The Copper Horse #1) K.A. Merikan


Fear (The Copper Horse #1)

1907, twenty years into the zombie Plague

Reuben is a baker living in the slums of London, sharing a room with his father and an extended family of cockroaches. Poor, uneducated, and repressing all his sexual desires, he leads a life of misery, only sometimes sprinkled with gin and a rough tumble in a filthy back alley.

But when he is abducted into Bylondon to be the slave of a wealthy crime family member named Erik Dal, his values are put to the test. His new master is obsessed with all things equestrian, and Reuben soon learns that if he obeys and performs well as Erik's horse, he might just get everything he yearns for: pampering, foods he never even dreamed of, and shameless sex with a demonically handsome young man in leather riding boots.

As Copper, Erik's treasured dun stallion, Reuben must submit to his new master's obscene fancy of possessing another man completely. That is, if he yearns for treats and not the lick of a riding crop. Fake tails, harnesses, and a new haircut to his ginger mane help Reuben transform into Copper, but the fear of losing his dignity in the eyes of society might just prove to be a bigger restraint than any bit, bridle, or handcuffs.

All that for the small price of his freedom. Though at times, Reuben feels it's his soul that Erik is after instead.

Genre: m/m erotic romance, bdsm, dark

Themes: class differences, slavery, steampunk, fetish, Victorian, master/servant, pony play, kink, organized crime

Length: ~95.000 words


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Fear (The Copper Horse #1)


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on 19/8/21

Comecei a ler esse livro com muito receio do que iria encontrar, afinal de contas, não gosto nem de histórias "normais" de zumbis, mas fui unicamente influenciada por causa das autoras. Gosto de KA Merikan, então... por que não arriscar algo diferente? Lendo o livro, com um olho fechado de asco e o outro semicerrado de vergonha eu só me perguntava: "O que diabos estou fazendo aqui?" Tive que dar pausas longas na leitura porque era forte demais pra continuar, passou dos meus limit... leia mais


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Bruna A.
cadastrou em:
21/01/2021 11:36:54
Bruna A.
editou em:
21/01/2021 11:54:48