Red Widow

Red Widow Alma Katsu


Red Widow

An exhilarating spy thriller about two women CIA agents who become intertwined around a threat to the Russia Division--one that's coming from inside the agency.

Lyndsey Duncan worries her career with the CIA might be over. After lines are crossed with another intelligence agent during her most recent assignment, she is sent home to Washington on administrative leave. So when a former colleague, now Chief of the Russia Division, recruits her for an internal investigation, she jumps at the chance to prove herself once more. Lyndsey was once a top handler in the Moscow Field Station, known as the "human lie detector" and praised for recruiting some of the most senior Russian officials. But now, three Russian assets have been discovered--including one of her own--and the CIA is convinced there's a mole in the department. With years of work in question, and lives on the line, Lyndsey is thrown back into life at the agency, only this time tracing the steps of those closest to her.

Meanwhile, fellow agent Theresa Warner can't avoid the spotlight. She is the infamous "Red Widow," the wife of a former director killed in the field under mysterious circumstances. With her husband's legacy shadowing her every move, Theresa is a fixture of the Russia Division, and as she and Lyndsey strike up an unusual friendship, her knowledge proves invaluable. But as Lyndsey uncovers a surprising connection to Theresa that could answer all of her questions, she exposes a terrifying web of secrets within the department, if only she is willing to unravel it...

Romance policial / Suspense e Mistério

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Red Widow


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Um thriller psicológico no mundo da espionagem
on 22/1/24

Alma Katsu não seria o tipo de autora a frequentar os posts do Spy Books Brasil. Apesar de seu passado como oficial de inteligência do governo norte-americano, ela iniciou a trajetória literária como autora de romances históricos de terror. Bons livros, a julgar pela crítica e aceitação de público – eu mesmo não os li –, mas nenhum deles focado no "tradecraft", a nossa especialidade por aqui. Até que no ano passado (2023), ela lançou "Red London", sobre uma oficial de inteligência ... leia mais


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25/03/2021 21:12:40
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